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(262) 534-5911 123 N River St, Waterford WI 53185

Waterford is a pleasant community located along the Fox River in western Racine County in southeast Wisconsin.
Waterford is a pleasant community located along the Fox River in western Racine County in southeast Wisconsin. In the middle of a rich farming community, the village was the hub of commerce and continues to grow its industrial, manufacturing, retail, and service. Its name reflects the area where early settlers forded the river with livestock and wagons carrying raw materials and goods to and from markets.
The village was incorporated in 1906 and covers over 2 square miles and has a population of over 5,400 people. It is a community rich in small-town charm and large-city opportunities. Located just 30 minutes from Racine, Kenosha, and Milwaukee and one hour from Chicago and Madison, Waterford enjoys the best that both small town and big city has to offer.
The Village of Waterford boasts of many things including wonderful community events such as the River Rhythms outdoor summer music series along the shores of the Fox River, the River Art Walk showcasing the work of local artists, along with the activities surrounding all season holiday festivities.
Address: 123 N River Street, Waterford, WI 53185
Phone: 262-534-3980